Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How to make a sub 2:15 marathoner

Another grand question without a solution

The world record for Marahons(42.195 km) is 2:04:26 hrs. And any runner in the sub 2:15 hr category is a really elite marathoner, who can win a few marathons in random, by luck. (Btw, I'm a 6:17 marathoner! having run only one so far).

So, how does one train an absolute newbie into an elite marathoner?

The answer goes vaguely like this. But, i want an optimum route, if i could do some linear programming kinda stuff, but not sure
First training to endure the race, and not bothering about speed (Me has crossed that :) Yayy!). then you train to increase your fat metabolism, by running at 65-75% max heart rate. Parallely, you will also build up mitochondrial density. Then you train more and more for speed and worry lesser about energy, since u know u can anyway do it.

Well, all this is known, qualitatively. But, my question could probably put like this. In a speed vs energy ecomomy plot, what is the optimum curve to do a marathon, given constraints of biology, and an initial biological state of health?

Or, What is the best performance a newbie like me can give, provided i train for n hrs a week at x% max heart rate, at a given altitude and temperature range? The contributions due to hill-training (training by running up hills) tempo runs (short fast ones) have to be included as well.


Jayadeep(JDP) said...

may be you can use the race prediction formula that Galloway(and others) has come up based on his experience and data and convert it into some scientific formula ? :)


Unknown said...

@JDP: Thanks man. Nice link. Let me ponder over that formula he's got. But what i'm asking is a pretty different thing. But, i should probably read his books too.

But, this formula of his can probably be a part of getting to the solution.